Just a little giggle -------------------- Sent by Matthew Smalley ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A 92 year old man walks into a brothel and says to the "Madam": "Can I have a girl for the night, please?". The landlady replied "Oh come on: you've had it, grandad!" He replied, in a resigned voice "Oh OK then: where do I pay?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A man is hiking his way across some farm country when it's getting dark, and he needs a place to sleep. He goes to the nearest farmhouse and asks if he can spend the night with the residents there... "Sure: you can sleep in my daughters bed, if you like." Thinking he's in for a good thing, he jumps at the chance. Next morning, he comes down for breakfast, and says to the farmer "Your daughter was a little cold last night." The farmer replied "Yeah: we're burying her later today..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A rather "rounded" man was walking through town when he saw a building with a sign advertising a new weight loss program: "Pay five pounds to lose 10 pounds, or 10 pounds to lose as much as you can". It sounded too good to be true, but he tried it anyway. He paid his fiver and the receptionist told him to remove his clothes and walk through a door on the right. On entering the new room, he found a long conveyor belt running towards him, and six of the most well endowed naked girls he'd ever seen. The plan was simple, the receptionist explained: he had to run against the conveyor belt to the girls and then have his fun. At the end of it, he'd be guaranteed to have lost 10 pounds. A day later, after he'd "recovered", he thought about going for the full tenner treatment. Again, he had to strip off and walk through a door. This time, the naked girls were gone, and it was only when he got in that he saw another naked guy, this time with a whip shout "Hello big boy!!!!" He lost the rest of his over-weight.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A man was after some excitement so went to a local house of disrepute where it was promised he could have something "completely different for around 5 pounds". He paid his money and found himself in a room with a chicken, but no ordinary chicken: this one had sex with him for over 3 hours, and he was exhausted at the end of it, but quite enjoying himself. Next day, he went back, but to his surprise, the price had gone up to 10 pounds. He was this time in a different room with about 10 other men. There was a one-way mirror on the wall, and on the other side was a man trying to have sex with a tortoise. "This is a bit funny", he said to the man next to him... "Yeah: but not half as funny as yesterday with "The Chicken Man"!!!"... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A 3ft midget went to a brothel, and after jumping up and down, the owner spotted him and said "What can we do for YOU" in a demeaning manner. "I'd like to have some fun, on the cheap". "What's in it for us letting you have it cheap?" "I've got a manhood that's 6ft long when 'engaged'" All the girls heard him say this and crowded round to give him a good time. "One warning: no blowjobs: I used to be 6ft too once, you know!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A man on a desert island stumbled across a beautiful girl who was buried to her stomach in sand (but the guy liked what he saw, IYSWIM). "Help me out of here!" cried the girl. "Why: what's in it for me?" Said the man, thinking his luck had come. "Sand" replied the girl. END ---